Frequently Asked Questions
In 2015, St. Mark’s became a member of Affirm United/S’affirme ensemble, working for the full inclusion of people of all gender identities and sexual orientations in the United Church of Canada and in society.
Do I have to be a member to participate?
No, not for most things, like worship, events or groups. However, only full members can serve on the Church Board and there are a few situations where only full members can vote. If you are not certain, please ask.
Am I a member or how do I become one?
Good question. If you are not certain of your membership status, we can check the Historic Roll and let you know.
If you are not a member, and would like to officially join St. Mark’s it is best to talk to the pastor as each situation is a little different. For example, if you are a youth or an adult, and have not been baptized, you will join St. Mark’s through the sacrament of baptism. If you have already been baptized, then you are usually become part of St. Mark’s by transferring your membership from your previous church. In both cases becoming a member will be celebrated in worship.
Good question. If you are not certain on your membership status, we can check the Historic Roll and let you know.
If you are not a member, and would like to officially join St. Mark’s it is best to talk to the pastor as each situation is a little different. For example, if you are a youth or an adult, and have not been baptized, you will join St. Mark’s through the sacrament of baptism. If you have already been baptized, then you are usually become part of St. Mark’s by transferring your membership from your previous church. In both cases becoming a member will be celebrated in worship.
What should I wear to church?
There was a time when suits and ties and hats and gloves were the norm at church, but that time has long passed. Today, people generally dress comfortably for the weather. Rev. Ryan usually wears Hawaiian shirts from May to October!
What about my kids?
In a church with many teachers and school volunteers, kids are always welcome to join in worship and other events. One of the best salespeople at the Country Bazaar was only nine!
We have an area called the “Pray-Ground” right in the sanctuary.
Other children’s ministries will be added based on interest.
Is St. Mark’s accessible?
Yes! Access the sanctuary by the ramp door or the lower hall by the door facing Aqua Bay. There is a lift to move between floors and an accessible washroom.
Where do we park? What about bikes or transit?
There is parking onsite. We are also a short walk from Belleville Transit Route 9. If you ride your bike, you can keep it safe in the foyer.
There is parking onsite. We are also a short walk from Belleville Transit Route 9. If you ride your bike, we will let you keep it safe in the foyer.
There are many different ways to support St. Mark’s and its ministries. Attending worship or events is one way, as is helping with regular drives like our fall collection for The Gleaner’s Food Bank. The gift of your time is a welcome gift.
Talents are also welcome. Perhaps you would enjoy being part of the pie making group, the Quinte United Choir, or share a special craft skill you have. If you are not certain who to speak to, ask the pastor.
You can also support St. Mark’s with your treasure by visiting our “Give” page
Sacred Celebrations & Events
St. Mark’s would be happy to talk to you about baptism, its meaning, and how it fits into the spiritual journey of a person or family. Contact Rev. Ryan to set-up a time.
Our baptism policy is available upon request.
Congratulations! We would be happy to talk to you about your wedding plans.
Start by contacting the office and provide names, proposed
date, and a couple of ways we can contact you. You can also receive up-to-date information on cost-recovery fees.
Once we have your information the pastor will follow-up. Our wedding policy is available upon request.
We’re sorry for your loss. Please call the church office immediately so we can see how we may be able to help. At this time, we are unable to provide receptions after 3:00 p.m. on weekdays, due to the use of the building by NOSH daycar (New Old School House Before and After School Daycare).
Our funeral policy is available upon request.
NOSH Daycare
The daycare at St. Mark’s is a before/after school program operated by the (New Old School House) daycare. For further information contact them at (613) 962-1412 or
Vaccine Clinic
St. Mark’s offer’s its space free of charge for drive-through vaccination clinics offered by Belleville-Queen’s Family Health Team. If you are a patient of the health team you book your appointment through your doctor. If you are not a patient, please contact your primary healthcare provider or
Hastings-Prince Edward Public Health.
AA Group
The Friday Cannifton group is an open meeting, meaning anyone can come. Currently, it is meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Fridays, but you can confirm by checking the AA website. Other meetings at St. Mark’s are closedmeetings. St. Mark’s is an accessible building.
We are stronger together
A ministry of space
Limited rental space is available to new community groups. Rental inquires can be made by contacting the church office well in advance of the desired date to determine if your request can be accommodated and the cost, if any.

Rural Connect
Internet Assisted Worship
Rural Connect is a United Church of Canada program whereby congregations are connected for real-time, interactive, internet-assisted worship. St. Mark’s was the first Rural Connect “hub” church in the East Central Ontario Regional Council. A hub and up to three “satellite” churches connect to worship together. Satellites might be congregations who are between calls, whose part-time clergy person does not lead worship every week, or where the clergy person is away on vacation or study leave.